DUI lawyer in Flowery Branch

If you are charged with DUI or DWI in Flowery Branch, call Rick Ryczek right away. You will get a free expert analysis of your case along with a plan for a winning approach to gaining the most favorable judgment possible for you. Rick Ryczek's track record of not-guilty verdicts and dismissals could be the edge you need to drive away from disaster.
The penalties for DUI and DWI can impact your life in the short-term and long-term, so you want them minimized as much as possible. For the first time or juvenile DUI charge, keeping the penalty light may be a relatively small hurdle to overcome. However, even if you have past DWI arrests, a criminal history, were severely intoxicated when you were charged, or caused property damage at the time of the charge, Flowery Branch's Ryczek Firm. P.C. will aim to downgrade a felony charge to a misdemeanor.
This could mean the difference between jail time and probation, or even the difference between license suspension and fines. Long term it could mean you will avoid any number of intrusions on your life, from installation of an ignition interlock system on your car to an alert on a future employment background check.
Rick Ryczek's years of experience and hundreds of DUI dismissals ensure you are represented by an informed advocate. For example he knows all too well that you don't automatically have to plead guilty to a DUI charge, particularly if you did not take a breathalyzer test. In Flowery Branch, Rick Ryczek can make a strong case for dismissal if Hall County law enforcement cannot prove that you were intoxicated in the first place.
It takes a Flowery Branch DUI attorney like Rick Ryczek to comb through police reports, review top and field sobriety test procedures and results, even have a breathalyzer machine expert challenge your results to have them tossed as evidence. Contact the Ryczek Firm, P.C. today at 678.376.5541.